Let's Learn About Canada Volume 1

Let’s Learn About The Space Shuttle

By Keith Tarrier

A simple and easy to read book for young children to learn about one of mankind’s most advnaced creations, the Space Shuttle.

This book covers the hisotyr of the hsuttle from it’s developemnt in the late 1970’s, the first flight in 1981 and all the way to the last flights in 2011. There are lots of full color photos and easy to read interesting text. 

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
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Let's Learn About Canada Volume 1

Let’s Learn About Canada - Volume 1

By Keith Tarrier

A simple and easy to read book for young children to learn about Canada. Canada is a unique land. It is one of the largest countries in the world. 

This book covers topics such as the different, states and capitol cities, and culture. The book features large colourful photos, based on the text, that showcase the beauty of Canada and will keep the child's interest as they learn about the very big country that sits atop of North America. 

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
(Scroll down to see the link to the files)

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eBook version coming soon:
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Let's Learn About Canada Volume 2

Let’s Learn About Canada - Volume 2

By Keith Tarrier

A simple and easy to read book for young children to learn about Canada. Canada is a unique land with so many different kinds of landscape and animals

This book covers some of the the many wonderful animals in Canada and the beautiful landscapes. The book features large colourful photos, based on the text, that showcase the beauty of Canada and will keep the child's interest as they learn about this very large, and times very cold but beautiful country.

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
(Scroll down to see the link to the files)

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eBook version coming soon:
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Let’s Learn About Australia

By Keith Tarrier

A simple and easy to read book for young children to learn about Australia. Australia is a unique land. It is the only country to occupy an entire continent. Whilst modern Australia is just over 200 years old, Australia itself is a very ancient land with amazingly different kinds of landscapes and animals.

This book covers topics such as the different landscapes, states and capitol cities, wildlife and culture. The book features large colourful photos, based on the text, that showcase the beauty of Australia and will keep the child's interest as they learn about the small continent in the world.

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
(Scroll down to see the link to the files)

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Let’s Learn About Mars

By Keith Tarrier

A simple and easy to read book for young children to learn about Mars. Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system. It is the planet that is most similar to earth, yet very different as well.

Mankind may one day step foot on this planet. This book covers topics such as the different landscapes, the different missions mankind has sent to Mars and many interesting facts and figures. The book features large colourful photos and a lot of interesting facts. 

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
(Scroll down to see the link to the files)

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Let’s Learn About Australian Pelicans

By Keith Tarrier

A simple and easy to read book for young children to learn about the Australian pelican. This book features large colourful photos, based on the text, that showcase the beauty of the Australia pelican and will keep the child's interest as they learn about this magnificant avian.

This book covers topics such as the size, shape and colour, the habitat, feeding and much more!

Did you know? The Australian pelican’s huge bill is the largest out of all birds in the world and measures 49 centimetres (19.5 inches) in length and can hold 9 – 13 litres of water.

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
(Scroll down to see the link to the files)

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Let’s Learn About InSight, NASA’s 2018 Mars Lander

By Keith Tarrier

In November 2018 NASA's newest Mars lander spacecraft, InSight, came hurtling through space and made a 7 minute long blazing entry to Mars. InSight is designed to find out what Mars is made from, and rocky planets in general. Learn about what it does, how it does and the technology used.

An informative book for children and teens to learn about the NASA InSight Mars lander. This book features large colorful photos and illustrations based on the educational and informative text. 

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
(Scroll down to see the link to the files)

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Ebook coming soon!
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Let’s Learn About Dwarf Planets

By Keith Tarrier

Does that small planet really look like an egg? Find out the answer inside. A simple and easy to read book for children and teens to learn about the Dwarf Planets.

This book features large colorful photos and illustrations based on the educational and informative text. Full explanations will help children learn about these small planets. Find out where they are, which ones we have visited and more! Parents will also enjoy this book and find it interesting and useful too.

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
(Scroll down to see the link to the files)

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Ebook coming soon!
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Let’s Learn About McDonnell XF-85 Goblin

By Keith Tarrier

What is this strange looking aircraft?

An informative book for everyone to learn about the fun looking, small experimental XF-85 ‘parasite fighter.’

This airplane was made just after World War 2 and was designed to be carried inside a bomber aircraft. Learn about why, how and when this unique aircraft was made and tested, and what happened to it.

There is a link on the last page of the book to a website which has some PDF activity files that can be downloaded and printed out for use. Enjoy!
(Scroll down to see the link to the files)

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Ebook coming soon!
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